Why is it profitable to buy this tariff?
1. 10 years of access to poll results.
2. View the value of the filter: Continent, Country, Language, Year, Month.
3. 10 hours of customized SaaS development, especially for the Tariff User.
# | Poll's functionality | Poll's Owner | Free view
in FAQ
| Poll Shop |
1 | Export poll results to Excel | yes | no | yes |
1.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
2 | Charts tab | yes | yes | yes |
2.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
3 | VUCA tab | yes | yes | yes |
3.1 | View the filters value: Country and Language | yes | no | yes |
3.2 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
4 | Correlation tab | yes | yes | yes |
4.1 | View respondents' emails | yes | no | no |
5 | Pivot Tables tab | yes | yes | yes |
5.1 | View the filters value: Continent, Country, Language, Year, Month | yes | no | yes |
5.2 | Add filters Continent and Country into columns | yes | yes | yes |
5.3 | Add filters Language, Year, Month into columns | yes | no | yes |
6 | Customized SaaS development 10 hours | no | no | yes |
6.1 | Clarifying and capturing requirements in Atlassian Confluence | no | no | yes |
6.2 | Task tracking in Atlassian Jira | no | no | yes |
6.3 | Intellectual property rights of SaaS development requirements | no | no | no |
7 | Modification of SaaS functionality for the Tariff User | no | no | yes |
7.1 | Availability of SaaS modifications during a paid subscription to the tariff | no | no | yes |
7.2 | Availability of SaaS modifications upon completion of a paid subscription to the tariff | yes | yes | yes |
7.3 | Intellectual property rights of SaaS versions | no | no | no |
How to use the tariff?
1. Create a Personal Account (here, you will need a valid email).
2. Buy any number of polls in the tariff:
1) Lampah perusahaan dina hubungan personil di bulan kamari (leres / henteu) 2) Lampah perusahaan dina hubungan personil dina bulan kamari (kanyataan di%) 3) Sieun 4) Masalah panggedéna nyanghareupan nagara kuring 5) Naon sipat sareng kamampuan ngalakukeun pimpinan anu saé dianggo nalika ngawangun tim anu suksés? 6) Google. Faktor anu dampak tim épéktipitas 7) Prioritas utama pangurus padamelan 8) Naon anu ngajadikeun boss pamimpin hébat? 9) Naon anu ngajadikeun jalma suksés di damel? 10) Naha anjeun siap nampi anu kirang mayar jarak jauh? 11) Naha umurna aya? 12) Umur dina karir 14) Nyababkeun yuswa 15) Alesan kunaon jalma nyerah (ku Anna penting) 16) Amanah (#WVS) 17) Survey Kabagjaan 19) Dimana kasempetan anu paling pikaresepeun anjeun? 20) Naon anu anjeun bakal laksanakeun minggu ieu pikeun ngarawat kaséhatan méntal anjeun? 21) Kuring cicing mikir ngeunaan jaman baheula, ayeuna atanapi masa depan 22) Meritokrasi 23) Intelijen jieunan sareng tungtung peradaban 24) Naha jalma-jalma singricinate? 25) Bédana gender dina ngawangun kapercayaan diri (ift Allensbach) 27) Patrick Lenconi's "lima dysfunction tina tim" 29) Naon penting pikeun spesialis dina milih tawaran padamelan? 30) Naha jalma nolak parobahan (ku SiobHán mchale) 31) Kumaha anjeun ngatasi émosi anjeun? (ku Nawalsafa Maya M.a.) 32) 21 Kaahlian anu mayar anjeun salamina (ku Jeremiah Too / 赵汉昇) 34) 12 cara pikeun ngawangun kapercayaan sareng batur (ku justin witht) 35) Ciri tina karyawan anu berakat (ku Nebus manajemén bakat 36) 10 konci pikeun motivasi tim anjeun 37) Aljabar Nurani (ku Vladimir Lefebvre) 38) Tilu Kemungkinan Béda tina Masa Depan (ku Dr. Clare W. Graves) 39) Aksi Pikeun Ngawangun Kapercayaan Diri anu Teu Goyah (ku Suren Samarchyan)
3. We'll send you an email to the email given in the payment documents to arrange a kickoff meeting to define the scope of work for 10 hours of customized SaaS development, especially for the Tariff User.
GO TO ➡️ TARIFF «Abdi SDT» ➡️ TARIFF «Abdi SDT +» ➡️ TARIFF «Naliti» ➡️ TARIFF «Naliti +» ➡️ TARIFF «V.U.C.A desainer polling» ➡️ TARIFF «PivotTables» ➡️ TARIFF «Laborator sponsor»