kitabu msingi mtihani «Spiral Dynamics:
Mastering Values, Leadership, and
Change» (ISBN-13: 978-1405133562)

Seeking Deeper Understanding #016

SDTEST® has 33 different VUCA polls that calculate the 12,299 correlation values between stages of development according to the theory of Spiral Dynamics and answer options of these 33 polls.

We invite curiosity about the systemic mechanisms behind this correlation. There may be hidden variables that provide alternative explanations.

In our analysis of the poll "Factors that impact team effectiveness," we found an intriguing negative correlation that warrants closer examination:  

-0.0794 between the Psychological safety and the Purple stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.061. This negative correlation of -0.0794 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This negative correlation of -0.0794 suggests an inverse relationship between the perception of psychological safety as a factor impacting team effectiveness and individuals operating within the Purple stage of value system development. Specifically, those aligned with the Purple worldview tend to exhibit a lower association with acknowledging psychological safety as a critical factor for team effectiveness.

Within the Purple worldview, psychological safety, which involves feeling comfortable expressing oneself without fear of negative consequences or judgment, may be perceived as secondary to maintaining community cohesion, respecting traditions, and obeying the guidance of influential leaders or spiritual figures.

Moreover, the Purple value system is characterized by a strong sense of identity derived from belonging to a group and upholding the laws and beliefs of ancestors. The concept of psychological safety, emphasizing individual expression and openness, may be disruptive to the established order and collective identity.

However, it is essential to note that this negative correlation does not necessarily imply a complete disregard for individuals' well-being or psychological safety within the Purple value system. Instead, it may reflect a different understanding and prioritization of factors contributing to team effectiveness rooted in traditional agricultural societies' cultural and societal context.

In our analysis of the poll "What will you do this week to look after your mental health?" we found an intriguing negative correlation that warrants closer examination:  

-0.0788 between the Practice mindfulness and the Red stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0712. This negative correlation of -0.0788 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This negative correlation of -0.0788 suggests an inverse relationship between the intention to practice mindfulness to maintain mental health and individuals operating within the Red stage of value system development. Specifically, those aligned with the Red worldview tend to associate less with mindfulness practices.

The Red worldview values strength, competitiveness, and the ability to act on impulses without restraint. Mindfulness, which involves cultivating present-moment awareness and self-regulation, may be antithetical to the Red value system's emphasis on unbridled self-expression and pursuing power and personal gain.

Furthermore, individuals in the Red stage may view mindfulness practices as overly passive or lacking in the assertiveness and decisiveness that characterize their value system. The notion of quieting the mind and fostering inner peace could hinder their ability to act swiftly and decisively in pursuit of their goals.

However, it is essential to note that this negative correlation does not necessarily imply a complete disregard for mental well-being within the Red value system. Instead, it may reflect a different approach to addressing mental health challenges, aligning more closely with the Red worldview's emphasis on action, self-reliance, and personal empowerment.

From the lens of the Red value system, this correlation reflects the focus on asserting dominance, pursuing personal desires, and prioritizing immediate gratification over long-term contemplative practices.

In our analysis of the poll "Real Freedom Is," we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.25 between Doing whatever feels good, regardless of consequences / Neither agree nor disagree and the Blue stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.2016. This positive correlation of 0.25 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This positive correlation of 0.25 suggests a relationship between having a neutral stance on the statement "Real freedom is doing whatever feels good, regardless of consequences" and individuals operating within the Blue stage of value system development. 

The Blue worldview values adherence to a clear set of moral principles and codes of conduct, often handed down by higher authorities or religious/cultural traditions. Acting solely based on personal desires or impulses, without regard for consequences, may violate these established norms and hierarchies.

However, the neutral stance indicated by this correlation suggests a recognition that freedom is a complex concept with multiple dimensions and interpretations. While the Blue value system may reject the idea of absolute personal freedom without consequences, it may acknowledge the existence of other forms of freedom, such as the freedom to operate within the boundaries of established rules and moral codes.

It is important to note that this positive correlation does not necessarily imply a complete rejection or acceptance of the notion of freedom presented in the poll question. Instead, it may reflect a nuanced perspective that balances adherence to established moral codes with recognition of freedom's complexities and multiple interpretations.

In our analysis of the poll "How Do You Regulate Your Emotions? (by Nawal Mustafa [1])" (When I feel REJECTED. I will acknowledge that this feeling sucks, but I will not let it consume me), we found an intriguing negative correlation that warrants closer examination:  

-0.3599 between the Rejection is redirection / Moderately Disagree and the Orange stage.

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.2385. This negative correlation of -0.3599 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This negative correlation of -0.3599 suggests an inverse relationship between moderately disagreeing with the notion that "rejection is redirection" when dealing with feelings of rejection and individuals operating within the Orange stage of value system development. Those aligned with the Orange worldview tend to exhibit a lower association with this particular approach to emotion regulation.

Individuals in the Orange stage may perceive "rejection is redirection" as overly symbolic or lacking concrete, rational justification. The Orange worldview values logical reasoning, scientific methods, and a reliance on empirical evidence, which could lead to a dismissal of more abstract or philosophical approaches to emotional regulation.

Furthermore, the Orange value system emphasizes individualism, self-reliance, and a competitive drive for achievement and progress. Reframing rejection as a redirection is a coping mechanism that potentially undermines personal agency and the ability to overcome obstacles through sheer determination and rational problem-solving.

However, it is essential to note that this negative correlation does not necessarily imply a complete disregard for emotional well-being or the importance of emotion regulation within the Orange value system. Instead, it may reflect a preference for more direct, pragmatic, and evidence-based approaches to managing emotions, aligning with the Orange worldview's emphasis on reason, efficiency, and tangible results.

From the lens of the Orange value system, this correlation reflects the focus on pragmatism, empiricism, and the pursuit of tangible, measurable results.

In our analysis of the poll "21 skills that pay you forever (by Jeremiah Teo / 赵汉昇 [2])," we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.395 between the Ability to self-analyze / Slightly Agree and the Green stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.2785. This positive correlation of 0.395 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This positive correlation of 0.395 suggests a relationship between slightly agreeing that the ability to self-analyze is a valuable skill and individuals operating within the Green stage of value system development. Those aligned with the Green worldview tend to exhibit a higher association with recognizing the importance of self-analysis.

The Green worldview values a holistic, systems-thinking approach, acknowledging that individuals are not isolated entities but integral parts of larger systems. Self-analyzing and gaining insights into one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors is crucial for personal development and understanding one's role and impact within these interconnected systems.

It is important to note that this positive correlation does not necessarily imply a disregard for other valuable skills or a sole focus on self-analysis within the Green value system. Instead, it acknowledges that self-awareness and personal growth are fundamental to a holistic individual and collective well-being approach.

Furthermore, the Green value system emphasizes unity, cooperation, and sustainability. Self-analysis can foster empathy, emotional intelligence, and a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives, essential for building harmonious relationships, promoting collaboration, and developing sustainable solutions that benefit all stakeholders.

From the lens of the Green value system, this correlation reflects the emphasis on personal growth, self-awareness, and the recognition of the interconnectedness between individual well-being and the well-being of the broader community and ecosystem.

In our analysis of the poll "Why People Resist Change (by Siobhán McHale [3])," we found an intriguing negative correlation that warrants closer examination:  

-0.3042 between the Unclear benefits and the Yellow stage.

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.2731. This negative correlation of -0.3042 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This negative correlation of -0.3042 suggests an inverse relationship between citing unclear benefits as a reason for resisting change and individuals operating within the Yellow stage of value system development. Those aligned with the Yellow worldview tend to exhibit a lower association with this particular reason for resisting change.

The Yellow worldview values the integration of multiple perspectives and a holistic understanding of interconnected systems. Individuals operating within this value system may be less inclined to resist change due to unclear benefits, as they recognize the inherent complexity and ever-evolving nature of systems, where benefits may only sometimes be immediately apparent or easily quantifiable.

However, it is essential to note that this negative correlation does not necessarily imply a complete disregard for the need for clarity or a blind acceptance of change within the Yellow value system. Instead, it may reflect a more nuanced approach to navigating change, where pursuing personal growth and understanding complex systems precedes the need for immediate and explicit benefits.

In our analysis of the poll "12 Ways to Build Trust with Others (by Justin Wright [4])," we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.3847 between the Keep private information confidential (Respecting secrets earns respect in return) / Agree strongly and the Turquoise stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.3807. This positive correlation of 0.3847 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This positive correlation of 0.3847 suggests a relationship between strongly agreeing with the importance of keeping private information confidential as a way to build trust and individuals operating within the Turquoise stage of value system development. Those aligned with the Turquoise worldview tend to exhibit a higher association with recognizing the significance of respecting privacy and confidentiality.

The Turquoise worldview recognizes the interconnectedness of all life and the interdependence of human and natural systems. Within this context, respecting the privacy and confidentiality of individuals is a fundamental aspect of honoring the sanctity of personal boundaries while promoting trust and harmony within the broader interconnected web of relationships.

Furthermore, the Turquoise value system is characterized by a strong sense of inclusiveness, tolerance, and a desire for sustainability and harmony with the natural world. Maintaining confidentiality and respecting individuals' private spheres is necessary to create an environment that fosters trust, mutual understanding, and the coexistence of diverse perspectives and experiences.

It is important to note that this positive correlation does not necessarily imply a disregard for transparency or open communication within the Turquoise value system. Instead, it may reflect a nuanced understanding of the delicate balance between respecting individual privacy and fostering trust, essential for building sustainable and harmonious relationships within interconnected systems.

What insights do you gain from today's correlation? How might we study this relationship more carefully before deducing causation? 

We welcome respectful and wise perspectives! Stay tuned every week as we share more results and insights. 

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Valerii Kosenko
Mmiliki wa Bidhaa SaaS SDTEST®

Valerii alifuzu kama mwanasaikolojia wa kufundisha jamii mwaka wa 1993 na tangu wakati huo ametumia ujuzi wake katika usimamizi wa mradi.
Valerii alipata Shahada ya Uzamili na kufuzu kwa mradi na meneja wa programu mwaka wa 2013. Wakati wa programu yake ya Uzamili, alipata ujuzi wa Project Roadmap (GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e. V.) na Spiral Dynamics.
Valerii ndiye mwandishi wa kuchunguza kutokuwa na uhakika wa V.U.C.A. dhana kwa kutumia Spiral Dynamics na takwimu za hisabati katika saikolojia, na kura 38 za kimataifa.
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