መጽሐፍ የተመሠረተ ፈተና «Spiral Dynamics:
Mastering Values, Leadership, and
Change» (ISBN-13: 978-1405133562)
ስፖንሰር አድራጊዎች

The qualities of a successful person

People who need a job look for vacancies on different websites (examples are in note 1), different conditions (examples are in note 2), different positions (examples are in note 3), and companies (examples are in note 4), and write a job application.

Finding a job is work too, and not an easy job; it can take up to 12 months to find one. After taking the time and effort to find a job, a person wants to become a successful employee to be satisfied and financially rewarded. What qualities of people influence their careers and help them become successful?

According to the Spiral Dynamics theory, a person goes through different stages in their development (spiral turns, colors). External conditions of life change, as do the requirements for success and, consequently, for finding a job. Is there a connection between the qualities that help to become a successful employee at work and the stages of human development (spiral, color)? How casual or stable is this connection? Mathematics answers these questions in psychology, used by Dr. Clare W. Graves, who developed Spiral Dynamics.

As Ben Yoskovitz, co-author of Lean Analytics, wrote: “Finding a correlation between two metrics is a good thing. Correlations can help you predict what will happen. But finding the cause of something means you can change it. Usually, causations aren’t simple one-to-one relationships–there are lots of factors at play, but even a degree of causality is valuable. You prove causality by finding a correlation, then running experiments where you control the other variables and measure the difference. It’s hard to do, but causality is really an analytics superpower–it gives you the power to hack the future.”

Below you can read an abridged version of the results of our VUCA poll “What makes people successful at work?“. The full results of our VUCA poll “What makes people successful at work?“ are available for free in the FAQ section after login or registration.

ሰዎች በሥራ ላይ ስኬታማ የሚያደርጉት ምንድን ነው?

እንደገና አስቤ
የ ትሰስር የጠቋሚ የሚተቹ ዋጋ
መደበኛ ስርጭት, ዊሊያምስ በዊሊያም ጎሳዎች (ተማሪ) r = 0.0399
መደበኛ ስርጭት, ዊሊያምስ በዊሊያም ጎሳዎች (ተማሪ) r = 0.0399
መደበኛ ያልሆነ ስርጭት, በፓርቲው r = 0.0016
ሁሉም ጥያቄዎች
ሁሉም ጥያቄዎች
ሰዎች በሥራ ላይ ስኬታማ የሚያደርጉት ምንድን ነው?
ሰዎች በሥራ ላይ ስኬታማ የሚያደርጉት ምንድን ነው?
Answer 1-
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አሉታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አሉታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
Answer 2-
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አሉታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አሉታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አሉታዊ
ደካማ አሉታዊ
Answer 3-
ደካማ አሉታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አሉታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አሉታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አሉታዊ
Answer 4-
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አሉታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ
ደካማ አሉታዊ
ደካማ አዎንታዊ

MS Excel ላክ
ይህ ተግባር በራስዎ VUCA ምርጫዎች ውስጥ ይገኛል።

You can not only just create your poll in ቁርጥ ዋጋ «V.U.C.A መስጫ ዲዛይነር» (with a unique link and your logo) but also you can earn money by selling its results in ቁርጥ ዋጋ «የሕዝብ ቁጥር ሱቅ», as already the authors of polls.

Here's how you can practically apply the correlation between these qualities and Spiral Dynamics colors across countries, languages, and time:

Cultivating Empathy: Empathy emerged as a vital quality linked to success at work. By recognizing the correlation between empathy and specific Spiral Dynamics colors, professionals can develop a deeper understanding of others' perspectives, emotions, and needs. This understanding forms a foundation for effective communication, collaboration, and building strong interpersonal relationships within diverse teams.

Embracing a Willingness to Learn: The correlation between a willingness to learn and Spiral Dynamics colors offers valuable guidance for professional development. Understanding how this quality aligns with specific color values empowers individuals to adopt a growth mindset, embrace new challenges, and actively seek opportunities for continuous learning. By prioritizing learning, professionals can stay adaptable, innovative, and resilient in an ever-evolving work environment.

Navigating Change with Adaptability: Adaptability to change is a crucial quality in today's dynamic workplaces. The correlation between adaptability and Spiral Dynamics colors sheds light on how different value systems approach and embrace change. By recognizing these patterns, professionals can enhance their adaptability skills, navigate transitions smoothly, and support their teams in times of organizational change.

Fostering Honesty and Integrity: Honesty emerged as a key quality associated with success at work. By understanding the correlation between honesty and Spiral Dynamics colors, professionals can cultivate a workplace culture grounded in trust, transparency, and ethical behavior. Embracing honesty fosters stronger professional relationships, effective communication, and a positive organizational environment.

Leveraging Cultural Insights: The correlation between these qualities and Spiral Dynamics colors across countries and languages provides valuable cultural insights. Professionals working in diverse global settings can use this knowledge to bridge cultural gaps, adapt their communication styles, and build trust across borders. Embracing cultural nuances enhances collaboration, empathy, and inclusivity.

By leveraging the correlation between these qualities and Spiral Dynamics colors, professionals can unlock their potential, drive personal and career growth, and foster a positive and productive work environment.

I invite you to explore the full research report, engage in meaningful discussions, and apply these insights in your professional journey. Let's harness the power of qualities and Spiral Dynamics colors to create fulfilling and successful careers!

Striving for the big goal

In life, we all solve big and not always tactical tasks. Many of us don't even think about the overall goal these tasks add up to. How many people can identify what purposes they are pursuing? And if there are no clearly defined goals, there are no results. Achieving success will be much easier if you are clear about your desires and develop opportunities.


Successful people do not expect people to make their chosen (or created) path more accessible for them. They know it will take work and, likely, more than most people are willing to do. Successful people don't expect someone else to tell them that their goal is worthy or they have what it takes to achieve it.

"I see the goal, and I don't see the obstacles."

A successful person does not think in terms of "problems" any of them for him is an opportunity to learn something new, find a solution, and become a better person. The world gives us many options, and the main thing is not to sit and wait for your chance.

Think positively

If everything did not go as planned, learn from the experience and move on. A positive perception of the world gives the power to move forward. But, remember, not always a motivator should be a success; sometimes, it can be a failure. And is it interesting when all is given easily?


Another quality of successful people is to look at life positively. Their glass is always half full, and their positive attitude is contagious. Nothing diminishes their enthusiasm or makes them doubt their ability to succeed. On the contrary, they find the strength to look for the good in everyone and every situation.

Getting the most out of it

You are unlikely to succeed if you do your work somehow (to avoid punishment). A successful person is driven by the desire to develop and reach new heights, and he does not need to be constantly pushed around by someone.


The quality of successful people is faith in the fulfilment of their intentions. They believe that they have every reason to be confident in their ability to succeed. This quality of successful people allows them not to waste time on insecurity or worry; they prefer to use that energy for purposeful action. They do not need to win for every effort; they believe success will be their result.

Overall Thinking

This quality allows successful people to look at the big picture as they make small plans and implement them. They keep this vision in their heads, whether the day-to-day business goes right or wrong, thus keeping things calm and clear-headed. Everything they learn (from mistakes, surprises, etc.) improves outcomes.

Clarity of focus

This quality of successful people implies a clear awareness of one's purpose and intention. Successful people can clearly articulate what they want. They then recognize how to get what they want and break it down into steps. Finally, they acknowledge and delegate what they can't or won't do and create a "dream team" that helps them work for the best outcome.

Willingness to get the job done

It's no surprise that a successful person works hard - more complex than most - and there's a reason for that. They don't work because of a sense of obligation or fear. Instead, they do it to broaden their horizons. They love what they do, are filled with energy because of their work, and don't see a division between work and a successful outcome.

Self-confidence and high self-esteem

What is meant here is reasonably high self-esteem, not narcissism. It is a stable self-confidence that will help to react adequately to victories and defeats and always sufficiently accept advice and feedback. Successful people do not waste time on false modesty and do not seek approval from other people. One of their main qualities is to believe in themselves and their abilities. They know that they are capable of reaching professional heights, and they don't settle for anything less. And they also don't let anyone's criticism or judgment slow them down. They know that not everyone likes them, and that's okay.

The ability to take responsibility

Suppose you are convinced that everyone is to blame for your misfortunes, but you (colleagues, external circumstances, market conditions, and even the weather), it won't be easy for you to succeed. It would help if you had the strength to realize and accept that most things and events in life depend on you. Taking responsibility for your words and actions is essential to successful people. They worry about whether the consequences of their actions will hurt people. And they do everything in their power to make things right. They also learn how people from different walks of life might interpret their words because people are essential to successful people.

The ability to listen and hear others

Listening to a person will give you many benefits in life. People who know how to listen always stand out from others. Remember that there is more than just you and your point of view. Even if you think the person is wrong, listen to them - perhaps you will learn something new or gain favor with that person.


The following quality of successful people is an appreciation of professional activities and communication. First, they use the skill of active listening. Successful people listen to understand, not just respond. They try to discover how a person's background might affect their interpretation of what is said to avoid misunderstandings.

Situation analysis and systematic thinking

Always analyze your life. What was the reason for the failure that occurred? Why did things work out for you now? Think about what you are doing to achieve your goals. Successful people always see a situation as a system.

The ability to take risks

Undoubtedly, risk must be justified. But it would be best if you were not afraid of it. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. Don't be cowardly and turn down the opportunities that life presents to you. Successful people know that risks are part of growth. They only fear standing still or holding back when they can jump instead. No matter what happens, they can learn a lesson from it. If they stay in their comfort zone, they know nothing. And because they have such a quality as curiosity, they constantly take every opportunity to get out of their comfort zone.


If a goal is set, then by no means must it be postponed. Fear, laziness, and circumstances should not hinder you. On the contrary, if you are interested in your goal, efficiency will be your indispensable quality. If you have already made yourself move, what is the point of stopping?

Self-development and self-education

Constantly study and learn something new. Business training, seminars, and professional literature broaden your horizons, improve personal and professional skills, and help you find new ways to solve tasks. Allocate at least half an hour a day for reading. Remember, if you think you know everything, you stop your development.


No matter what happens, one of the qualities of successful people is knowing how to use something to their advantage - or at least to take a hit. Successful people know how to navigate unfamiliar situations without making unnecessary and self-destructive compromises and costs. If they make mistakes, they learn from them and don't waste time on regrets.

The ability to set priorities correctly

Priorities are a complicated psychological aspect, often a choice between what you want and what you need. A successful person always bases his will on a long-term perspective; sometimes, it is necessary to step over his emotions and momentary desires. It doesn't sound easy, but the road to success is never easy. Prioritising the right things is another quality of successful people. They realize that it is not in their power to give attention to every person or task. They also know they cannot give up caring for themselves to accomplish more tasks. Their needs and those of others on their team are on their priority list, even if it means giving up something else.

Inner Harmony with Yourself

Your aspirations should not conflict with each other. If you resist your actions, you will never be able to move forward. There should be no barriers to success that you have built within yourself.


The actions and words of successful people are consistent with their values and goals. They do nothing that contradicts their core beliefs. If their actions contradict their thoughts and overall goals, this separation prevents them from moving forward as goal-oriented people. They understand that this can lead to destruction rather than success.


It is impossible to disrupt a person's life cycle when they acquire the successful person quality of balance, which teaches them to remain balanced at all times by keeping their eyes on the big picture. If successful people make mistakes, they check themselves, refocus their attention, and focus on the next right thing to do. Of course, they're not always super-cool, but they at least manage to avoid extremes in their reactions.


A successful person empathizes with other people; can feel someone's role in themselves; can agree with the other person's point of view, and can experience the same emotions the other person is experiencing.


(1) Examples of job search sites:

  • usaajobs.com provides support whatever your role requires,
  • freejobalert.com provides a free job alert service to job seekers in India on the latest government jobs, study material, and video lessons with an online test,
  • joinhandshake.com - Handshake is the #1 way college students find jobs. Join today to explore career options, find jobs and internships for students, and connect with employers, 
  • apprenticeship.gov - Search open apprenticeship job opportunities from employers across the country and directly apply with the employer of the apprenticeship program,
  • topjobs.lk - is a Sri Lanka Job Network - the most popular online job site in Sri Lanka for jobs, careers, recruitment, and employment with recruitment automation, 
  • linkedin.com - use LinkedIn Jobs to boost your chances of getting hired through people you know.,
  • trac.jobs - powers the recruitment for a large proportion of the UK's public sector workforce, 
  • tes.com - Tes Jobs, the largest selection of academic, education, teaching, support, and leadership positions for the world's largest network of teachers,
  • dpsa.gov.za - Department of Public Service and Administration. Potential candidates from the excess group must be assisted in applying timeously for vacancies and attending, where applicable, interviews,
  • edjoin.org - is the number one education job site. Find your next great job today, 
  • freejobalert.com is a great way to get instant government job alerts about the latest government job applications,
  • monster.com is your source for jobs and career opportunities; we help candidates know whether they're qualified for a job,
  • higheredjobs.com - Jobs in Higher Education. Faculty and administrative positions at colleges and universities. Updated daily. Free to job seekers.
  • fastjobSearchers.com - Is an Online Job Portal Belongs To the Education Category Which Provides You with All Types of Central And State Government Vacancies,
  • icicicareers.com is ICICI Bank; happy to know about your keen interest in pursuing a career,
  • unjobs.org - are Vacancies with International Organizations,
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  • expresspros.com - Express Employment Professionals is one of the top staffing companies in the U.S. and Canada. Every day, we help people find jobs,
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  • gozambiajobs.com - Looking for a job in Zambia? Search and apply for jobs in Zambia!
  • careers.indigoag.com - Wide range of functional areas within IndiGo. Know More. IndiGo Careers. Join our 6E family and let your career take off,
  • apna.co is India's #1 Professional platform that connects job seekers with employers. It helps job seekers to apply for jobs & talk to the corresponding HR,
  • iworkfor.nsw.gov.au - I work for NSW is the jobs site for the NSW Government featuring thousands of opportunities across the sector,
  • transcribeme.com offers fast, affordable, and highly accurate human transcription, translation, data annotation, and AI dataset services customized for you,
  • esic.nic.in Recruitments | Employee's State Insurance Corporation for the posts of UDC, MTS, and Stenographer,
  • pakistanjobsbank.com - Pakistan Jobs Bank provides you the ease of viewing all Jobs Ads from various sources like Pakistan's leading newspapers Daily Jang, Express, Nawa-i-Waqt,
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  • goodjobsfirst.org is a national policy resource center that promotes corporate and government accountability in economic,
  • jobassam.in is one of the most popular website in Assam. Here, we provide Job in Assam, Admit Card, Exam Result, Routine Scholarships, etc.,
  • trans.sourceforge.net - Transcriber is a tool for assisting the manual annotation of speech signals. It provides a user-friendly graphical user interface,
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  • indeed.jobs is an American worldwide all-in-one employer hiring platform,
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  • money.usnews.com - Highest Paying Jobs | Best Jobs Rankings | US News Careers

(2) Examples of work conditions: 

  • jobs near me - the typical commute distance is 7.5 miles, 
  • work from home (WFH) means an employee is working from their house, apartment, or place of residence rather than working from the office, and many companies have a WFH policy,
  • freelance is an independent contractor who earns wages on a per-job or per-task basis, typically for short-term work,
  • office work is work normally carried out in an office, for example, clerical or administrative work for an organization,
  • a part-time job is a flexible work arrangement that means working less than full-time hours,
  • online jobs are done outside of the traditional office environment using the Internet. Similar to virtual work, online jobs can typically be done from any location as long as the appropriate technology is available
  • remote jobs can be employee-based jobs or freelance jobs, depending on how the employer sets up the role who works outside of a traditional office environment
  • a data entry job entails working as a handler using computers and data processing programs to input information,
  • a side hustle is a job or occupation that brings in extra money beyond one's a regular job and main source of income,
  • work and travel is an organized experience in which participants have an opportunity to keep their jobs and work remotely while traveling the world, 
  • work abroad is the term used when a student teaches, interns, or volunteers in a foreign country through a program.

(3) Examples of job positions: 

  • administrative assistant helps an organization run efficiently, 
  • account manager is in charge of making sure each department meets the needs of its clients and customers,
  • apple home advisor is part of Apple Support, the group that provides customer service, troubleshooting, and technical support to Apple customers by phone, chat, or email
  • cashier is greeting customers and checking out shoppers when they are ready to purchase items,
  • computer engineer builds computers such as PCs, workstations, and supercomputers,
  • data analyst analyzes data for actionable insights,
  • data scientist requires large amounts of data to develop hypotheses, make inferences, and analyze  trends,
  • driving jobs are responsible for transporting clients or handling deliveries in a timely manner, and they may have to work nights and weekends, 
  • marketing manager is developing, implementing, and executing strategic marketing plans for an entire organization to attract potential customers and retain existing ones,
  • operations manager oversees the big picture of the organization, 
  • receptionist serves visitors by greeting, welcoming, and directing them appropriately,
  • software engineer designs and creates computer systems and applications to solve real-world problems,
  • software developer uses programming and design knowledge to build software that meets the needs of users,
  • supply chain manager coordinates, organises, and oversees all activities involved in the identification, acquisition, production, and distribution of the company's goods,
  • UI UX designer creates user-friendly interfaces that enable users to understand how to use complex technical products.


(4) Examples of companies:

  • jobs.nhs.uk - perform a job search, find jobs that match your skills, and apply for NHS jobs online

Valeri Kosenko
የምርት ባለቤት ሳባ ፔት ethret ፕሮጀክት SDTEST®

እ.ኤ.አ. በ 1993 ወደ ማህበራዊ ፔድጎግ-ሳይኮሎጂስት ብቁ ሆነች እናም በፕሮጀክት አስተዳደር ውስጥ እውቀቱን ተግባራዊ አደረጉ.
እ.ኤ.አ. በ 2013 የፕሮጀክት ዲግሪ እና የፕሮጀክቱ ሥራ አስኪያጅ በመሆን የፕሮጀክት ሥራን አግኝቷል.
Valerii የተለያዩ የችሎታ ተለዋዋጭ ምርመራዎችን ወስዶ የአሁኑን የ SDTEST ስሪቱን ለማስተካከል እውቀቱን እና ልምዱን ተጠቅሟል.
Valerii የ v.u.a.a ን እርግጠኛ አለመሆኑን የማሰስ ደራሲ ነው. ከ 20 ቱ ዓለም አቀፍ ምርጫዎች, በስነ-ልቦና የተሞላ ተለዋዋጭ ተለዋዋጭ እና የሂሳብ ስታቲስቲክስን በመጠቀም ፅንሰ-ሀሳብ.
ይህ ልጥፍ አለው 0 አስተያየቶች
መልስ ይስጡ
መልስ ሰርዝ
አስተያየትዎን ይተው
ይህን ስህተት ማግኘት
ትክክለኛውን VERSION ይጠቁሙ
የተፈለገውን እንደ ኢ-ሜይል ያስገቡ
ሃይ እንዴት ናችሁ! ልጠይቅህ, የክብደት ተለዋዋጭነት ያውቃሉ?