pukapuka whakamātautau hāngai «Spiral
Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership,
and Change» (ISBN-13: 978-1405133562)

Simple SDTEST® Gives Great Possibilities

What's your favorite food - pizza or broccoli?

What's your favorite hobby - dancing or reading? Do you love recess or story time more? We all have different tastes and interests that make us one-of-a-kind! This is because we each have a unique set of values.

Values are what matter most to you deep down inside - kind of like your very favorite hobbies and activities. Your values are like your favorite hobbies - some kids love to draw, others enjoy playing sports. Values shape how you see the world. They guide your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

People sometimes describe values by colors. The color shows what traits and motives someone finds most important. Dark red values love adventure. Blue values follow the rules. Orange values achieve goals. We each blend a mix of color values in our own way.

Many tests try to reveal a person's color values. One is the SDTEST®. It uses questions to uncover the values that drive our choices and priorities. Let's learn how it works!


The SDTEST® asks people to rate 5 statements about values and motivations. There are a few options to choose from for each statement. Pick the ending that best matches your values. There are no right or wrong answers! This is what the interface looks like, try selecting options.

Koa āta pānui i te katoa rerekē hoki tonu o ngā kīanga, tīpako toru (3) tino tika ana mō koutou, ka tīpako ratou.
Pāwhiritia i runga i te pātene kia kite i ngā kōwhiringa mō te whakaaetanga tonu
1 - tohu e te kōwhiringa i tīpako koe hiahia te nuinga o te katoa:
  • Ko te papa, e whakarato ana i tana whakamarumaru me tana tautoko ki nga kaimahi, nana nei i whakatau nga tautohetohe, hei mana rangatira
  • Ko te kaiarahi ngawari, ko te whakauru me te whakauru i nga tohunga pai o te kaainga o te ao mo a raatau mahi hou ki nga kaupapa
  • Ka whakatauhia e te Kaiarahi te oranga mo ia tangata i roto i te kaakahu "kainga o te ao"
  • Ka taea e te kaiarahi o te maungarongo te whakatuu i tetahi wairua pai i roto i te tiima, ma reira ka awhinahia e nga tangata katoa nga hua hei painga pumau
  • Ka whakamahia e te kaiwhakahaere tino mohio nga hangarau hou o te whakahaere HR me te whakawhanaketanga umanga kia tutuki nga hua
  • He kaitohe e tiro ana i nga kaupapa here umanga kia pai ai te mahi ngatahi o te tiima
  • Ko te rangatira te kaiarahi i ana toa ki te wikitoria katoa mo ona kaiwhakataetae i te maakete
2 - tohu e te kōwhiringa tīpakohia hiahia koe i muri i te kē 1:
  • Ko te papa, e whakarato ana i tana whakamarumaru me tana tautoko ki nga kaimahi, nana nei i whakatau nga tautohetohe, hei mana rangatira
  • Ko te kaiarahi ngawari, ko te whakauru me te whakauru i nga tohunga pai o te kaainga o te ao mo a raatau mahi hou ki nga kaupapa
  • Ka whakatauhia e te Kaiarahi te oranga mo ia tangata i roto i te kaakahu "kainga o te ao"
  • Ka taea e te kaiarahi o te maungarongo te whakatuu i tetahi wairua pai i roto i te tiima, ma reira ka awhinahia e nga tangata katoa nga hua hei painga pumau
  • Ka whakamahia e te kaiwhakahaere tino mohio nga hangarau hou o te whakahaere HR me te whakawhanaketanga umanga kia tutuki nga hua
  • He kaitohe e tiro ana i nga kaupapa here umanga kia pai ai te mahi ngatahi o te tiima
  • Ko te rangatira te kaiarahi i ana toa ki te wikitoria katoa mo ona kaiwhakataetae i te maakete
3 - tohu e te kōwhiringa tīpakohia hiahia koe i muri i te kē 2:
  • Ko te papa, e whakarato ana i tana whakamarumaru me tana tautoko ki nga kaimahi, nana nei i whakatau nga tautohetohe, hei mana rangatira
  • Ko te kaiarahi ngawari, ko te whakauru me te whakauru i nga tohunga pai o te kaainga o te ao mo a raatau mahi hou ki nga kaupapa
  • Ka whakatauhia e te Kaiarahi te oranga mo ia tangata i roto i te kaakahu "kainga o te ao"
  • Ka taea e te kaiarahi o te maungarongo te whakatuu i tetahi wairua pai i roto i te tiima, ma reira ka awhinahia e nga tangata katoa nga hua hei painga pumau
  • Ka whakamahia e te kaiwhakahaere tino mohio nga hangarau hou o te whakahaere HR me te whakawhanaketanga umanga kia tutuki nga hua
  • He kaitohe e tiro ana i nga kaupapa here umanga kia pai ai te mahi ngatahi o te tiima
  • Ko te rangatira te kaiarahi i ana toa ki te wikitoria katoa mo ona kaiwhakataetae i te maakete

After finishing all 5 statements, your choices are scored. The score shows your motivational values based on colors like red, blue, orange, green and others. The SDTEST® shows your color values, kind of like figuring out your interests and favorite activities.

Your color values are like an artist's palette. They blend together in your own unique way! The SDTEST® helps uncover the color mix that drives your thoughts and actions.

Lots of Combinations

With five statements and multiple choices per statement, people can answer the SDTEST® in many ways!

It's like mixing paint colors. Take just three colors - red, yellow, and blue. You can blend them into so many shades! Add more colors, and the possibilities are endless.

Or think about building with blocks. With just a few different shaped blocks, you can build so many things! More blocks mean more options.

The SDTEST® has over 7,000 possible unique combinations of responses. That's like 7,000 unique color mixes for someone's motivational values! 

It's more even than flavors at an ice cream shop. More than types of doughnuts at a bakery!

With so many options, everyone has unique color values, like how all kids have their own favorite hobbies and activities they love.

It's like snowflakes - each one is unique and special. We each have a one-of-a-kind motivational mix that makes us who we are!

Most People Fit in Common Groups

With so many possible ways to answer the SDTEST®, you'd think everyone would have unique color mixes. 

However, we were surprised that most people fit into just 7839 common groups. That's like most snowflakes having one of a few basic shapes, even though each is unique.

Out of over 83371 results from 169 countries, results clustered into these 7839 unique motivational patterns. 

Most people blend their color values into a few primary shades rather than super-rare mixes. It's like a rainbow with a few major color bands. 

This means the SDTEST® reveals core values shared by many people across cultures. Most of us blend main color motivations in familiar ways. Our values aren't as different as they seem!

Values Can Change

Do you still love all the same toys, foods, and activities you did as a toddler? People grow and change, and so can values.

Think back to your first day of school. It seemed so big and scary! Now your school feels familiar. Your values shifted.

When life changes, our color values can change, too. A new experience might make you see the world differently.

For example, a new sibling could make the family more important. Moving schools could shift your focus to making friends. Values adapt as we learn and grow. Just like you might be into trains now but dolls when you were little, what motivates you can change as you grow.

The SDTEST® shows your motivational colors today. But don't expect them to stay the same forever! Like your height or shoe size, values change as you do.

The test gives clues about who you are and what's important. But in the future, you may have an expanded color palette!

Rare Heights

Is there a top level of motivational values and colors? Some think there is an ultimate rainbow color called Turquoise. 

Turquoise values seek a global vision, deep purpose, synthesis, and harmony with nature. Only 1 in 83371 results scored high 40% in Turquoise on the SDTEST®!

Reaching the peak is like climbing a tall mountain. Very few make it to the top. Those who do often can't stay there long.

For instance, the user who took the test 3 times shows how unstable Turquoise is.

First, in 2018, the user couldn't score 40% Turquoise.

Second, in 2018, the user scored 40% Turquoise.

But later, after five years in 2023, the user couldn't repeat that rare result.

Turquoise is the pinnacle few attain. Most of us blend more common color values as we climb life's path. Our journey brings growth, even if we can't reach the highest peak.

Connections with Other Polls and Tests

The SDTEST® gives clues to someone's motivational values. However, additional polls can provide more pieces of the puzzle.

Imagine also giving a "Fears" poll. It asks people to rate different fears from 0 (not scary) to 5 (very scary). 

Now imagine 100 people who took both tests. You could match up each person's SDTEST® colors with their rated fears.

If people high in Blue values feared uncertainty more, that insight ties values to perceptions. Blue people may resist change more.

Or if Orange achievers feared failure most, that reveals their drive. They may overwork to avoid mistakes.

Comparing tests gives an expanded picture of values in action. More puzzle pieces make the whole image more apparent!

Multiple tests can work together, like colors blending on a palette. Other polls reveal what engages your values, like how your hobbies show what activities you enjoy most. Combined, they paint a richer picture of what motivates our thoughts and deeds.

Here is an expanded simple example of correlating the SDTEST® with another assessment:

Let's say 100 students take two tests - the SDTEST® and a "Favorite Subjects" poll. 

The SDTEST® shows their motivational color values.

The "Favorite Subjects" poll asks them to rank school subjects from 1 (like least) to 5 (like most). 

By matching up each student's results on both tests, we can look for patterns.

Students high in playful Yellow values may rank Arts & Crafts higher.

Students high in logical Orange values may rank Math higher.

Seeing these connections between color values and subject preferences gives deeper insights.

The SDTEST® shows values. The other poll shows what engages those values. Together, they reveal more about what motivates students.

Multiple tests create a fuller portrait, like mixing colors on an artist's palette. Combining assessments makes the picture richer!


The SDTEST® is a simple and fun way to uncover our unique motivational values. It mixes life priorities like colors on a palette to paint a picture of what matters most to us.

While most people blend common color value patterns, each result is one-of-a-kind. Our values make us who we are, but we also grow and adapt as life changes.

Very few ever reach the highest Turquoise level of motivational development, just like few can climb to the peak of a tall mountain. 

But the journey brings growth, even if the top remains distant. The SDTEST® helps us better understand ourselves and others on this lifelong path of self-discovery.

Here are reports of polls which SDTEST® makes:

1) Nga mahi a nga kamupene e pa ana ki nga kaimahi i te marama kua hipa (ae / kaore)

2) Nga mahi a nga kamupene e pa ana ki nga kaimahi i te marama whakamutunga (meka i te%)

3) Mataku

4) Nga raru nui e anga atu ana ki taku whenua

5) He aha nga kounga me nga kaha e whakamahia ana e nga rangatira i te wa e mahi ana nga ropu angitu?

6) Google. Āhuatanga e whai kiko ana te roopu roopu

7) Nga kaupapa matua o nga kaiwhaiwhai mahi

8) He aha te mea e tino rangatira ana te rangatira?

9) He aha te mea e angitu ai te tangata ki te mahi?

10) Kua rite koe ki te tango i te utu iti ake ki te mahi mamao?

11) Kei te mau tonu te kaupapa?

12) Ko te kaupapa i roto i te mahi

13) Nga mea nui i roto i te koiora

14) Tuhinga o mua

15) Te take he aha te take o te iwi (na Anna Fital)

16) Whakapono (#WVS)

17) Oxford te koa o te rangahau

18) Te oranga hinengaro

19) Kei hea koe e whai waahi pai rawa atu?

20) Ka aha koe i tenei wiki ki te tirotiro i to hauora hinengaro?

21) Kei te ora ahau mo te whakaaro mo aku mua, o mua me te heke mai ranei

22) Merirotocicy

23) Te mohio mohio me te mutunga o te ao

24) He aha te iwi e tuku ai?

25) Te rereketanga o te ira tangata ki te hanga i te maia-whaiaro (Ifd Allensbach)

26) Xing.com Te Aromatawai Ahuwhenua

27) Ko Patrick Lencioni's "nga kohinga e rima o te roopu"

28) Ko te ngakau nui ...

29) He aha te mea nui mo te mea motuhake ki te whiriwhiri i tetahi tuku mahi?

30) He aha te tangata e whakahē i te whakarereke (na Siobhán Mchale)

31) Me pehea e whakariterite ai i o kare? (Na Nawal Mustafa M.A.)

32) 21 Nga pukenga e utua ana e koe ake ake (na Jeremiah Teo / 赵汉昇)

33) Ko te tino rangatiratanga ko ...

34) 12 nga huarahi hei hanga i te whakawhirinaki ki etahi atu (na Justin Wright)

35) Nga ahuatanga o te kaimahi mohio (na te taranata whakahaere i te roopu whakahaere)

36) 10 taviri hei akiaki i to roopu

37) Algebra of Conscience (na Vladimir Lefebvre)

38) E toru nga mea rereke mo te heke mai (na Takuta Clare W. Graves)

Below you can read an abridged version of the results of our VUCA poll “Fears“. The full version of the results is available for free in the FAQ section after login or registration.


uara Critical o te whakarea te faatanoraa
Tohatoha noa, na William Sealy Gospes (akonga) r = 0.0335
Tohatoha noa, na William Sealy Gospes (akonga) r = 0.0335
Ko te tohatoha noa, na te taote r = 0.0014
Nga paatai ​​katoa
Nga paatai ​​katoa
Ko taku wehi nui ko
Ko taku wehi nui ko
Answer 1-
Pai ngoikore
Pai ngoikore
Negative ngoikore
Pai ngoikore
Pai ngoikore
Negative ngoikore
Negative ngoikore
Answer 2-
Pai ngoikore
Pai ngoikore
Negative ngoikore
Pai ngoikore
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Negative ngoikore
Answer 3-
Negative ngoikore
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Answer 4-
Pai ngoikore
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Negative ngoikore
Answer 5-
Pai ngoikore
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Answer 6-
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Answer 7-
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Answer 8-
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Answer 10-
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Answer 11-
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Answer 12-
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Answer 13-
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Answer 16-
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Pai ngoikore
Pai ngoikore
Negative ngoikore

Kaweake ki MS Excel
Ka waatea tenei mahinga i roto i o ake ake pooti VUCA

You can not only just create your poll in the mua «V.U.C.A kaihoahoa pane» (with a unique link and your logo) but also you can earn money by selling its results in the mua «Toa pooti», as already the authors of polls.

If you participated in VUCA polls, you can see your results and compare them with the overall polls results, which are constantly growing, in your personal account after purchasing mua «Toku SDT»

Valerii Kosenko
Kaipupuri Hua Saas Pet Project SDtest®

Ko Valerii te tohu he kaupapa hinengaro-hinengaro-a-iwi i te tau 1993, mai i te mea kua paahitia tona matauranga ki te whakahaere kaupapa.
I whiwhi a Valerii i te tohu a te rangatira me te kaupapa me te Kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa Kaupapa i te tau 2013. I te wa e mohio ana ia ki te kaupapa o tona rangatira (GPM deutsche geselschaft f.
I mau a Valeyii i nga whakamatautau o te shomics spiro me te whakamahi i tona mohiotanga me tana wheako ki te whakariterite i te putanga o te SDtest.
Ko Valeyi te kaituhi o te torotoro i te koretake o te V.U.C.A. Te ariā ma te whakamahi i nga hihiri a te spiro me nga tatauranga pāngarau i roto i te hinengaro hinengaro, neke atu i te 20 nga pooti o te ao.
Kei roto i tenei pou 0 Tuhinga
Whakautu ki
Whakakorehia he whakautu
Waiho to korero
Tono TŌ putanga tika
E tomo koutou ī-mēra rite hiahiatia
Kia ora! Me tono atu ahau ki a koe, kua mohio kē koe ki nga hihiri a Spoeral?