book-based test «Spiral Dynamics:
Mastering Values, Leadership, and
Change» (ISBN-13: 978-1405133562)
Read carefully the options and select the three (3) most suitable for you now for the continuing phase.
Click the buttons to see options.
1 - indicates that the selected option you prefer most of all:
  • They came to me from the previous generations of the family and the ancestors with the customs of my people nation
  • Being based on the knowledge of Higher Truths
  • They happen because of the internal necessity of mutual communication and support
  • I owe nothing to anybody, and I′m the only master of my fate
  • They show my vision of the rules and norms of the interaction in the world of complex systems and the organization of the relationships between them
  • They are based on the conviction that we have the ability to create the future
  • My energy and the forces of nature merge into a single unit to get a useful result for me and for the whole of humanity
2 - indicates that the selected option you prefer after the 1st option:
  • They came to me from the previous generations of the family and the ancestors with the customs of my people nation
  • Being based on the knowledge of Higher Truths
  • They happen because of the internal necessity of mutual communication and support
  • I owe nothing to anybody, and I′m the only master of my fate
  • They show my vision of the rules and norms of the interaction in the world of complex systems and the organization of the relationships between them
  • They are based on the conviction that we have the ability to create the future
  • My energy and the forces of nature merge into a single unit to get a useful result for me and for the whole of humanity
3 – indicates that the selected option you prefer after the 2nd option:
  • They came to me from the previous generations of the family and the ancestors with the customs of my people nation
  • Being based on the knowledge of Higher Truths
  • They happen because of the internal necessity of mutual communication and support
  • I owe nothing to anybody, and I′m the only master of my fate
  • They show my vision of the rules and norms of the interaction in the world of complex systems and the organization of the relationships between them
  • They are based on the conviction that we have the ability to create the future
  • My energy and the forces of nature merge into a single unit to get a useful result for me and for the whole of humanity

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